Review VR Briefs

The Review VR series is a product of Explore VR: a web portal that provides a range of vocational rehabilitation (VR) data. Explore VR ( increases knowledge about the public VR program and its role within the larger employment and disability service system. This interactive platform allows users to customize and manipulate live data. Through Review VR, we will provide a snapshot of VR data in an accessible, user-friendly format. In each issue, we will explore a hot topic in the field, and will provide an easy-to-read visualization and table linked to data in the Explore VR Data Lab.

The 2010–2011 National Survey of Community Rehabilitation Providers Report 1: Overview of Services, Trends and Provider Characteristics

Research to Practice Issue NO. 52, 2012

This brief presents findings on people with all disabilities and people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are served in employment and non-work settings by community rehabilitation providers (CRPs). This the first in a series of research to practice briefs based on the 2010–2011 National Survey of Community Rehabilitation Providers funded by the Administration on Developmental Disabilities and the National Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research. The last national comprehensive survey of CRPs conducted by the Institute for Community Inclusion was in 2002–2003, and also gathered data on provider services for individuals with disabilities. This brief incorporates some of those findings and compares them against the 2010–2011 survey in order to assess the state of integrated employment outcomes of people with disabilities. (By Daria Domin and John Butterworth). 

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Examining Collaboration between State Intellectual and Developmental Agencies and State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies

Date Note Issue NO. 30, 2011

Kelly Haines, Heike Boeltzig, and Jean Winsor assess the ways in which state intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) agencies collaborate with their state vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies to support integrated employment outcomes for adults with IDD.